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ECE Hall of Fame: Roberto Pedro Gaido


Distinguished alumnus Roberto Gaido graduated from The Ohio State University with an MS in electrical engineering in 1976. Specializing in power systems, he went on to become an important figure in establishing the electrical grid connections to the Republics of Uruguay and Paraguay.

After graduation from Ohio State, Gaido returned to his home country of Argentina. He started as an engineer at the Agua y Energía Eléctrica (Generation and Transportation) Company. Later, he was the Deputy Manager of Operations Planning of the company.

His second company was CAMMESA, Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A. (Electric Wholesale Market Management Company) in Argentina. There, he stayed as Manager of Special Studies until he retired at the end of 2010.

Among Gaido's career achievements is being a member of the Working Group that drafted the technical aspects of the international interconnection agreement with the Republic of Uruguay. He was also the coordinator of the Argentinian delegation for the Working Group that was in charge of the operational engineering aspects of the international interconnection with the Republic of Paraguay.

Gaido was one of the delegates representing Argentina in the course of international meetings (e.g., World Energy Council Congress) in the U.S.A. and in countries in South America.

He continued to serve his country, participating in many training courses given to engineers in Argentina, organized by the Argentine Institute of Training in the Electric Branch. He gave lectures on several subjects, such as Modeling of Electric Power Systems, Short Circuit Analysis, and Introduction to Electric Power Systems.

Gaido was one of the lecturers of the "Interregional Course on Energy Training in Developing Countries with Special Attention to Nuclear Energy,” organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). He gave lectures on Electric Power Transmission and Distribution, Network Stability, Power Plant Size vs. Network Size.